Work Journal
A Photo Journal Of Our Work
Universal Travel Mug
Completed: 30.03.24
Now this is what we call considered design! Using a white lid to tie-in with the white print, the logo was printed to the front with a smart strap line to the reverse to really show off the sustainable qualities that come with our popular Universal Mugs.
For this project we used our Universal Travel Mug (MP19810).
Universal Travel Mug
Completed: 06.03.23
Now this is how it's done! The University of Leicester tied in their brand colours with a closely matching lid and reduced the cost with a 3 colour print due to the white showing through! To the reverse our studio came up a swish eco strap-line, giving the whole composition a much more greener feel!
For this project we used our Universal Travel Mug (MP19810).
Universal Travel Mug
Completed: 19.01.21
This Universal Travel Mug is just draw-droppingly delightful! The design on this occasion was printed in 2 colours which play a vital role in the dynamism between structure & surrounding colour. The white within jostles with the blue surrounding which then ingeniously blends in with the surrounding cool yellow mug & baby blue lid.
For this project we used our Universal Travel Mug (MP19810).