“With a meeting with the marketing manager of Specsavers on the horizon this project was based around proposing ideas that incorporated their core brand colours whilst offering the hottest & freshest products on the market.”
Specsavers - Speculative Samples
An international powerhouse in the world of optometry services Specsavers are a household name that dominate UK highstreets. We've had a stunning relationship with their team over the years and featuring in our portfolio twice is certainly no mean-feat, an obvious indicator that this project was something our team jumped on from the word go.
This assignment was in preparation for a meeting with the Specsavers' marketing manager for future proposals. A brand we are familiar with over the years our team knows how vital it is to adhere to their brand guidelines and in particular source products that match their distinctive greens whilst containing the ability for this to be reversed onto print. Hot and consistent products are something we always propose to their marketing team whilst we always offer the freshest products on the market to give them that extra edge when promoting their brand. This included the notebook, screen-cleaner, bubble blower, stress brain, torch, logo bug & adaptor - a varied selection for their diverse customer and staff base that we've learnt to cater towards when coming up with our proposals.
As always with Specsavers the design aspect was effortless with their own marketing team providing the basics whilst we delivered on the print & products. The combination of both parties led to an uncomplicated final result which we were chuffed to bits with, but if we were pushed to pick one highlight it'd have to be the white Xoopar Octopus. Their logo was printed using their 1 colour pantone reference, digitally printed to the circular face in a small yet striking branding area which propels the artwork and makes it unmistakably Specsavers.
Related Products:
- Xoopar Octopus (MP19082)
- Logobug (MP10552)
- Dynamo Torch Mini (MP14369)
- Small Brain Stress Item (MP11642)
- Bubble Blowers (MP19924)
- Compact Lens Cleaning Kit (MP20309)
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