MoJo welcome Ellis & Hollie! Since our previous post, the MoJo team has continued it’s fantastic growth with the employment of two new people, Ellis & Hollie! With too much football talk in the office, we are glad to have them both on board, now bringing the Male and Female ratio to an equal 50-50! It’s going to be difficult talking about how great Leicester are now!
Ellis has previously worked in the world of digital marketing and now turns her creative flair towards the promotional products industry. In her free time, Ellis enjoys making vintage clothes, anything about Cats and brewing large amounts of Tea and Coffee. We are happy to welcome Ellis’ creative abilities to the team alongside her passion for Tea and Coffee, where we hope she will continue to fuel our caffeine addiction.
Hollie is a huge Leicester Tigers fan and long time season ticket holder (for 10 years +, her name is even engraved in the stadium!) which bodes well with us here at MoJo. Hollie has gained great experience as the Sales and Event Manager from her previous roles and we know that her ability to organise and prioritise, alongside her bubbly personality, will serve her well here at MoJo!
The introduction of the two new employees is a great boost for the company, which continues it’s ever growing success in 2014, and we wish them the best of luck in their MoJo endeavours. We also hope they have great success and fun whilst working at the company!
Keep your eyes peeled for an updated ‘About Us’ section which will include both Ellis and Hollies favourite things, soon.