All Private Sector Products

Why choose personalised private sector products? MoJo Promotions provide a exceptional catalogue of personalised private sector products, all designed to be custom printed with your requirements. Private Sector Products provide a wonderful way to advertise your design. The goodwill created by personalised private sector products is guaranteed to ensure your marketing goals are met. Our range includes - Automotives, Veterinaries, Hospitalities and Finance & Laws. All of our goods can be customised to suit your wishes, please contact us for more information.

Digitally Printed Metal Name Badges

Digitally Printed Metal Name Badges

Full colour print. Individual names achievable. UK made. Range of sizes available.

£2.86 on 100+ (MQ 10)

Embossed Chocolate Bars

Embossed Chocolate Bars

22g of European milk chocolate. Embossed to wrapper and chocolate. Gold or silver box.

£1.53 on 500+ (MQ 500)

Tokyo Travel Mug

Tokyo Travel Mug

Advanced copper lined insulation. Drinks hot for up to 8 hours. 350ml capacity.

£10.03 on 250+ (MQ 25)

Waterman Hemisphere Essential Ballpen

Waterman Hemisphere Essential Ballpen

Official Waterman product. Individually boxed. Blue ink refill. Laser engraved as standard.

£47.75 on 100+ (MQ 10)