All Public Sector Products

Why choose personalised public sector products? MoJo Promotions stock a wonderful range of personalised public sector products, all designed to be custom printed with your information. Public Sector Products provide a fantastic way to advertise your design. The practical nature of personalised public sector products is guaranteed to ensure your advertising needs are met. Our variety includes - Educations, Councils, Universities and Travels. All of our items can be branded to suit your ideas, please contact us for more information.

Lexon Flip Alarm Clock

Lexon Flip Alarm Clock

On and off side to determine the setting of your alarm. Branded to the side. Official Lexon product.

£16.46 on 100+ (MQ 50)

Travel Case

Travel Case

Embossed design. Printed inner lining. TSA approved combination lock. 4 multi-directional wheels.

£51.01 on 250+ (MQ 100)

Monty Powerbank

Monty Powerbank

Premium metal finish. Carabiner fitting. Mix & Match Colours. Gift boxed. 2200mAh.

£6.51 on 250+ (MQ 250)

Premium Lanyard

Premium Lanyard

Soft finish. PVC patch. Woven in 2 spot colours. Striped or solid colour.

£2.45 on 200+ (MQ 200)

Equinox Luggage Lock

Equinox Luggage Lock

3 digit lock with a reinforced metal cable. Customisable body and trim colours

£3.59 on 250+ (MQ 25)